If everything happens for a reason, then it will be a tough time explaining how and why it has to happen. For sure things do happen for a reason, and most of the time we may not know why.
Well, perhaps it is because of coincidence which is contentiously related to “unintentional.” I refuse to put on my thinking cap and ponder over the differences that have so many similarities.
I enjoy looking at “unintentional” things that happen for a reason in lighter veins. Such public gaffes could end up an embarrassment, hilarity or plain innocence.
Tossing a bouquet of flowers in the air is sure one memorable day for the bride. Yes, it happens for a reason. She has tossed too vigorously in the air and her covering top is too loose. So “oops” is the word.
This must be one damn greedy kangaroo ever found in Australia – can eat and work simultaneously. The child has no inkling what this nasty kangaroo is doing in the park.
His good intention happens for a reason – his innocence.
His good intention happens for a reason – his innocence.
Blame it on the hot weather in Japan and Pakistan?
I am familiar with itchy “paws” of humans just as much as an itchy mouth of a dog.
It has to happen for a reason - a voyeuristic breed.
His dandified posture marching gallantly in his tight-fitting pants has a price to pay for, gaffe. At the precise moment, the uncanny truth has to be exposed.
It happens for a reason – blame it on his untamed libido!
What a splendid choice of colours! She loves white and he loves blue.
I am familiar with itchy “paws” of humans just as much as an itchy mouth of a dog.
It has to happen for a reason - a voyeuristic breed.
His dandified posture marching gallantly in his tight-fitting pants has a price to pay for, gaffe. At the precise moment, the uncanny truth has to be exposed.
It happens for a reason – blame it on his untamed libido!
What a splendid choice of colours! She loves white and he loves blue.
What is it so exciting in her eyes that the strap holds an uncanny noose to lynch the poor fellow? His toes on the tip gasping for air while his futile “argh…” has gone unnoticed.
It happens for a reason – unintentional.
Amusing as it should be, a cute dicky in a bottle to take a quick leak. Nothing is more ingenious than using common sense. A bottle is so handy and convenient at the critical time of need. Dare you to imagine what apparatus the models need to take a quick leak?
It happens for a reason – “I can’t hold on any more!”
The man in black suit could not help it, could he? She could be wearing a panty made by American flag otherwise he would not be standing to attention. This is an honourable way to show respect for a flag encasing the bulbous buttock cheeks that are trying to get free.
It happens for a reason – she is an exhibitionist and he is an admirer.
What a low down snake he is, peeking into the reflection of the giveaway mirror. It is curiosity not beauty that is in the eyes of the beholder. So, blame him not, for she is there to entice? Blame her not too, for he has roving eyes.
These happen for a reason – now you see it otherwise now you don’t.
This happens for a reason – it has one of the human traits, have nose will sniff! (snigger, chuckle).
It happens for a reason – unintentional.
Amusing as it should be, a cute dicky in a bottle to take a quick leak. Nothing is more ingenious than using common sense. A bottle is so handy and convenient at the critical time of need. Dare you to imagine what apparatus the models need to take a quick leak?
It happens for a reason – “I can’t hold on any more!”
The man in black suit could not help it, could he? She could be wearing a panty made by American flag otherwise he would not be standing to attention. This is an honourable way to show respect for a flag encasing the bulbous buttock cheeks that are trying to get free.
It happens for a reason – she is an exhibitionist and he is an admirer.
What a low down snake he is, peeking into the reflection of the giveaway mirror. It is curiosity not beauty that is in the eyes of the beholder. So, blame him not, for she is there to entice? Blame her not too, for he has roving eyes.
These happen for a reason – now you see it otherwise now you don’t.
Ever wonder why canine loves fishy smell like the feline? If you think it is all about fish, then you go and hang yourself!
This happens for a reason – it has one of the human traits, have nose will sniff! (snigger, chuckle).
Ogling with intense fascination from roving eyes is natural, but as if mesmerised by what beholds before the naked eyes is the naked truth over the half-naked physique is otherwise. His roving eyes help him to locate vulnerable areas from willing women for the “fun” of it is not rude or uncultured.
This happens for a reason – have eyes will travel.
A gaze follows a pair of pert young buttocks down shows the inability to withstand the temptation and thrill appealing to his imagination that he is fantasing about. Such ogling is a dalliance that builds up the appetite for a hearty meal later.
This happens for a reason – to increase the libido and desire.
Have no bones to pick over this mystery series of “unintentional” because this is what the eyes are made for. Ogling can make a person feels so naked, so creepy and yet so complete!
This happens for a reason – have eyes will travel.
A gaze follows a pair of pert young buttocks down shows the inability to withstand the temptation and thrill appealing to his imagination that he is fantasing about. Such ogling is a dalliance that builds up the appetite for a hearty meal later.
This happens for a reason – to increase the libido and desire.
Have no bones to pick over this mystery series of “unintentional” because this is what the eyes are made for. Ogling can make a person feels so naked, so creepy and yet so complete!