Friday, April 30, 2010

Exhuming The Truth

The events that had taken place in Hulu Selangor by-election cannot be incinerated just like any other past by-elections. We are seeing totalitarian regimes hang onto power by fear and when anything does not work to their favour, they resort to corruption.

From the tenure of the previous prime minister, the modus operandi to suppress the truth remains. Today, we still see the fear the government has, to admit who is responsible for what.

The truth is important because it affects our lives intimately and collectively as a nation but the leaders we have do not adhere to this view. When situation does not allow us to trust anyone anymore, then we have to demand for the answer by exercising that right by being a registered voter and cast that right in the ballot box.

When will the day be when we can rely solely on the mainstream media for unbiased information? We know that the mainstream media is not honourable or brave enough to give us unbiased information.

Perhaps I have spoken too quickly. Judging from what Joshua Wong (NTV7) and Chou Z Lam (RTM 2) being intimidated, there is still a hope for the mainstream media to redeem its trust to the people. However, “two” swallows do not make a summer but their act of defiance is indeed honourable.

With the government clamping down on freedom of speech by unwarranted interference, we are actually losing our freedom and privacy. This has become our biggest threat.

What stories the government is going to spin and expecting the public to hear are over because the filths are too huge to substantiate the truth what more to the known scandals.

There are many gutless politicians elected by the people have failed miserable. They hold on to power and too afraid to speak out by playing the dumb game. The worse of the pack are those who are willing to bite the hands that feed them by jumping ship at the scheduled time. Such politicians may have too many dark secrets so to speak and have to remain servile.

This is how such politicians started their careers after the 2008 general election. They are the politicians who have helped corrupt our nation and are willing graduates of betrayal to their party and electorates, come what may, just to save their own skin.

The coming Sibu by-election will face with the same predicament. So, the first thing we need to consider is which news source is reporting whatever lies and whether they have reported them truthfully or put their own spin on them.

In reality, SPR is carrying the big stick and is not afraid to use it on the Opposition but very accommodating to their master. The expected level playing field will never see its day for it has turned into a mud patch.

We are seeing the dark art has taken on a more sinister dimension. The act beyond its rightful power that do injury to liberty, justice and individual rights over the people it supposed to protect is made evident of a corrupt government.

We are not powerless and should not allow the government to act wrongfully against us. By knowing how far the government has strayed, it is the “number” that counts to send the message that we have enough of it.

In the coming Sibu by-election - lead the change is the appropriate battle cry. We should see at least eighty percent (42,943) turnout against the last recorded sixty-seven percent (36,379) out of the 53,679 registered voters in the coming showdown.

Is eighty percent a far-fetched figure or otherwise, it is the ideal yardstick to give a clear indication what the people want. Change is at the doorstep and it depends on how responsive the electorates are going to be.

Our election history has proven this beyond a shadow of doubt that “numbers” is the benchmark for the edge.

Say what you like but remember - the change is just over the hill.