Monday, October 19, 2009

Home - Documentary Drama

Date: Friday, 23 October 09
Time: 8.00pm
Venue: The Annexe Gallery,
Kuala Lumpur
Admission: FREE

Enquiries: 03-77843525 (SUARAM)

Provide details such as full name and the names of those you are bringing along.
Those who have not registered will not be allowed in.

HOME is a short drama about the journey of Burmese refugee Roi Roi's search for a home in Malaysia.

Many Burmese refugees seek to flee from the tyranny of the military junta. Despite surviving a grueling journey across the borders of Thailand and Malaysia, they find themselves victims of human rights abuse and human trafficking in Malaysia.
This is a documentary that unveils the heartbreaking stories of Burmese refugees in Malaysia through testimonials of their horrific experiences.

Temme Lee.