Zainuddin’s article in the Utusan Malaysia newspaper referred at length to “the special position of Malays and Islam and other sensitive issues that Lee Kuan Yew disputed then”.
He added that similar controversies are resurfacing, alluding to concerns `among Umno leaders that Malaysian minorities are questioning the position of Malays and Islam.
“The special position of Malays and Islam and the other sensitive issues that Lee Kuan Yew disputed then, causing the outbreak of the May 13th incident, have again become the subject of hot debate following incidents involving the dumping of a cow’s head by protesters that challenged the Hindus, and the wrapping of a pig in the Umno flag that challenged the Malays,’ he wrote.
It was not clear what incident he was referring to when a pig was wrapped in an Umno flag.
Wrote Zainuddin: “If 50 years of independence have given a deeper understanding of the poison sowed by Kuan Yew 40 years ago, the recent events mentioned would not have occurred.”
He added that although Singapore is more advanced than Malaysia, the Republic does not enjoy the same freedom: “Singapore sticks to a Third World democracy despite having a developed world mentality, while Malaysia has a Third World mentality but a developed world democracy.” — Straits Times