The annoyance about what I read in the mainstream media started in 2006 and alternate media became my substitute. The news vendor blamed “us” for affecting his business and I expostulated that the real culprit that caused a crack in his rice bowl, is no other than the news corporations themselves.
When street protests became imminent and people were flocking to alternate media for more information, it had become the turning point for me to take the bold step to be with the crowd to squash the mainstream media to pulp.
When I was asked what I do with all what I had recorded, my only notion was to burn into VCD or DVD format. I had no experience in editing, graphic or even after-effect availability.
Out of annoyance by the same old question, I began to explore into how I could uncover the wonders of computer wizardry, and since then, there was no turning back.
I started as a blogger and this unprecedented experience was really exciting. No one could tell me what to or what not to write or post. I am my own boss with my own discretion! This is the wonderful part - as a writer, editor and publisher all in one go.
As a keen photographer and “graduated” to a videographer out of passion, I have educated myself further and I realized that there are still many avenues that can be explored.
I have to admit that at 60 years of age, technology is “frightening” to me because I am not tuned to all those elusive “clicks”. These “clicks” know how to play Houdini with me. Imagine the frustration! A few keyboards were replaced because I took it out on them.
As time passed by, maturity set in and different perception began to unfold. Sailing into uncharted waters became the challenge and out of over-zealousness, the venture started without an iota of fear. The objective was to look for fairness, accuracy and clarity in news reporting was the only thing on my mind.
On many occasions, I stumbled upon rather dangerous situations where the traditional journalists would gawk at me with awe. But they don’t have to because those occasions were coincidental by being at the right place and the right time.
Other than such “opportunity” the most remarkable attribute is to be able to anticipate unexpected situation. It is all about gut feeling and how inquisitive one wants to be.
The beauty is that the camera eye does not tell lies unlike our naked eyes that can be deceiving. The images recorded are sufficient to depict the actual news or the story of the event and this saves the taxing effort to write in text.
The clear fact I know is the susceptible disagreement to what I have posted and this does not matter because it is the individual prerogative to disagree. However, to those who share the same sentiment, it consoles my efforts for the motivational strength for me to keep going. This tells me that I am in the posse of angry people who want a better Malaysia.
Today, the public does not perceive the news media to be very trustworthy and citizen journalists could easily substitute and narrow the void to bring back the glorious years of journalism in Malaysia. And this is easily done with the essential equipment required and with the passion to tell true story.
Today’s world needs dedicated individuals to pick up the ethical slack left by the mainstream media. To a certain degree, news organizations have no choice but to accept citizen journalists they secretly loathe, as their media partner to compliment their freedom in fetters syndrome.
I don’t want to become a citizen journalist to change the world but to make a change in people’s perception between the truth and falsehood that matters the most to me. Even it is a tough road ahead, I don’t mind because I have all the time in the world.
All news media should take citizen journalists as friends but not as their competitors.
The contemporary readers want truthful news, and they want it well sourced and fairly reported. They are tired of bias and baloney and citizen journalists can satisfy the crying need without fear or favour.
The common denial of what was said or being misquoted has become a thing of the past. Now, we write what is said and let our video cameras do the talking!
Thanks to You Tube that allows amateur videographers and reporters to upload their footage to news Websites. Twitter and Facebook are the effective sites that bridge the people to read and share about breaking news through them first.
The advocacy of citizen journalism is common from the plethora of websites and blogs. This is where relevant leads, reports and feedbacks become the profound communication attribute that is badly needed today.
What I see is the only reason why I write, and I prefer to write "out of the box" material and citizen journalism provides me that avenue. Our contributions to free press should be appreciated like how we appreciate and thankful to Malaysiakini to make it possible for ordinary and caring citizens like us to be in this fraternity.
Say what you like, citizen journalism is here to stay and this “community” is growing in numbers.
It does not matter if you are retired, home maker, student or having a career to look after. Citizen journalism gives you the liberty to work at your own pace. The most important of all is that your voice and opinion have the equal right to be heard.