Tuesday, July 28, 2009


People are still living with the “make don’t know” attitude. People are still allowing racialism to rule the day. And people are still complacent about what are happening around them. Then, what are these people made of?

Whether anyone likes it or not, we have to gather all information root and branch, and allow our thinking faculty to ponder a little further intelligently by asking why death in police custody is still happening.

Is their thinking faculty so shallow that they are unable to understand the semantic of right from wrong? No, I do not think so, but the attitude itself that people have, has harnessed my belief that “they” expect someone else’s to take the trouble and initiative to get justice done while “they” continue to be the lounge critics. Pathetic!

It is a crying shame to see fellow Malaysians dying one after another despite no clear evidence of the crime committed. No matter who is the person, justice must prevail even for a criminal.

There is no surprise that many people can live with excuses and without guilt as well, because whoever dies is not their next-of-kin. By then, if it happens to his/her own flesh and blood, such people will shout at the world and condemn others for not giving their support to seek for justice.
Where were you when we needed you? How can we be there for you when you have refused to hold the hands of the other members of the civil society? When anyone refuses to stand up and be counted, blame no one but yourself because you have brought whatever the consequence to yourself!

This is what people are made of!

Another Death In Police Custody

Press Conference 29 July 2009 At Chinese Assembly Hall

Another death in police custody. R.Gunasegaran age 31, who was arrested on the evening of 16 July, 2009 in Sentul. His family members were later informed that Gunasegaran had died on the same day for drug related causes.

The family of the late Gunasrgaran had requested for a copy of the post-mortem report but they were informed that it will take about two months to get a copy of the said report.

The family has since been in contact with eye-witnesses to Gunasegaran’s arrest and detention by the police and has been informed that at the time of his arrest, Gunasegaran was subjected to physical assault by a member of the police force.

Later, he was assaulted by the same police officer but with much greater severity causing Gunasegaran to lose consciousness which he never regained until his death.

More to come...

Is This The Answer To Save The World?

Clip : Estrelita