Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Hunter Birds

Birds' beaks come in an amazing variety of shapes and sizes. One big reason for this is that beaks are specialized tools for gathering food. Imagine if you had to gather your food without hands. Birds manage, because of their beaks.

What do these birds eat? These six birds will feed at the buffet you set up. When you figure out the best tool for gathering the different foods, you can compare that tool to these pictures, and find out what each bird eats.

Imagine a flamingo trying to sip nectar, or a hummingbird trying to crack open nuts. They couldn't!

These six birds eat very different things. Their beaks are the perfect tool for the job.

Compare the beaks to the common tools you see here. You can tell a lot about how a bird gathers its food by the shape of its beak.

A bird of prey, or raptor, is a bird that hunts its food using its curved beak and talons. They also generally have excellent vision.

Nocturnal birds of prey (the owls) are carnivorous birds, preying on mice and other small animals.

Eagles are large raptors with long, broad wings and massive legs and capable of gripping and lifting its prey to a safe place to feed on.

Other birds are opportunistic omnivores although their diet may consist of meat

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