Friday, September 25, 2009

Top Ten Water Fountains

Feng Shui is often discussed as excessive and somewhat misleading to those who are sceptical about its potent “chi” force. It is because of the world’s fascination for invisible, mysterious forces that gets many of us to talk without much understanding about them.

Feng Shui is a natural science. It is based on natural laws and its formulas have been created after centuries of observation of the repetition of the earth’s natural patterns.

Water fountain, be in a miniature in the appropriate corner of the living room or a bigger one in the garden, it symbolizes one’s desire to harness the ch’i. Water is used to activate or slow down ch'i in a room, being highly beneficial for health, wealth and relationships.
A well-balanced water fountain possess the quality of auspiciousness.

Even the smallest trickle of water from any water fountains catches the reflection of light, it attracts the eyes like the natural flow of water in a harmonious way creating the energy of ch'i.

Have you ever wonder why the more colossal the building is, the bigger is the water fountain? No matter from which part of the world, businessmen somehow will not defy the natural force of ch’i.

With the impeccable positioning of the water fountain, the negative forces are compensated with the positive to make what they are “harvesting” sustainable. What do you expect from a casino?

Those who do not believe in feng shui, or ignorant of its power will take the relaxing sound of a babbling brook in their environment as a way to control the humidity level which in turn decreases dust and pollutants.

This ancient science was based on the idea that ch’i (Life-Force Energy) is present in everything that exists in nature– the cosmos, earth, plants, animals, humans– and can never be created or destroyed.

It does not hurt to find out what is feng shui (geomancy) and you will be surprised to learn that ch’i is around us.

These human water fountains require ch’i too, not feng shui (geomancy) but “tai shui!” (big water). They can have an amazing effect on your wealth, romance and general well-being when release as it should and at the right time.

Says who?

Says him!

He says, believe it or not, take it or leave it!

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