Saturday, April 10, 2010

Power of the Arm

Lift your arm high when the needs arise and this is the very arm that is the symbol of your conviction, no matter to what the cause you are fighting for!

Social Injustice – the dreaded words have become the common cry of those been deprived. The worst of its kind is to silent the voice of the people by any government.

Around the world, we know that any government can ignore one person or one group, but they cannot ignore when more and more people are speaking out on critical issues.

With this very arm, people will stretch it high for the call to respect the people’s right, which is in a dire need.

It will be a great feeling when you arm is lifted by another and clasped together which symbolizes the arms of brotherhood. Together to lean on each other against adversities, the cohesiveness is perennial and to remain steadfast.

The arm that holds the light is not a lonely arm but the arm of freedom to shine for those who chose to be blind. The power within can strike the silent fear to the mighty power of injustice. With just an arm to hold a lit candle, it is akin to the truth of constant dripping that wears a stone.

A single arm raised with confidence is to harness courage. This is the arm that wants to be seen punching through the air without fear. No giant stands forever! Like David who brought down goliath with a slingshot swung with his arm.

In many Asian countries, people are outraged and take to the streets even those for the first time, to protest against their government for any injustice. Such protests are their last straw that can escalate into mammoth numbers to put the government to its knees.

Shouting slogans is incomplete without the arms raised together with the message. The deafening roar in any protest can send shivers down one’s spine, what more when it is done with the arms?

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