Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Straight A's To Nowhere

Year in and year out we are seeing young and bright students are left in the limbo after their SPM year. With excellent results yet being deprived a place for tertiary learning is indeed painful.

Meritocracy is the devil in disguise for those from poor families. In short, meritocracy has given the false hope to Malaysians. We are seeing this for years where education has moved in tandem with politics without a level playing field.

Intelligent students are deprived of their rightful places for tertiary education while those who performed below the expected level are given the privileges instead.

When politics is allowed to sneak into the education system, the country will suffer from brain-drain rather than brain-gain. Despite knowing the fact, yet the government allows the rot to continue.

I believe that the quality of education today is significantly lower than it was way back in the sixties. Those days, students were encouraged to excel but today, we see “dummies” are churned out from our local universities. Those who have made their grades through sheer hard work and intelligence become marketable but the other so-called graduates are left half-baked and nowhere to go.

My consolation to students who have become the victims of meritocracy is to recapitulate what I had written last year.

In our country, people work hard and pay their taxes, even though endless. It is with a hope that such taxes can be intelligently ploughed back to sustain the economy and with the manageable cost of living to take the burden off the wage earners shoulders. But, it turns out not only otherwise but also chaotic through wanton mismanagement.

This is where the government has failed us to the core.

People work hard, play by the rules but when they need help, “they” give you the rope to hang yourself. Uncountable smart students are deprived of their tertiary education and their parents are left in the lurch because they don’t have the financial means. On the other hand, those who are not qualified are fed with privileges down their throats.

This is where the people should wake up and know where they stand.

So, why must people choose to be in slumber when you have all the means to vote the present government out for good!

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