Friday, July 23, 2010

Are We In the Awakening or Still In Slumber

The Saying; we are what we eat, is true to the core as far as Malaysian politics is concerned.

The administration that wails political power has surpassed the limit of abuse. The once respected institution to uphold integrity and the well-being of the people is crumbling at a consistent rate.

The present public outcry against corruption has not gained momentum judging from the past public forums which served as “refresher” for the urbanites. They are capable to search and gather information unlike those in the outskirts who depended very much on the mainstream media.

This is the group of people who has been deprived from the truth is stark because of the censorship from the mainstream media. Thanks to the recent increase in petroleum price and the subsequent effect on the daily basic necessity to come, the pinch will tell a different story.

By crying out loud and to compare our wealth from the god-sent natural resources with other countries that have not, has become a mundane argument.

Each day hardly passes by without the shock of the hidden scandal that is brought into the open. Corruption is so rampant that the people are living without one iota of hope that the present government is capable to make a turnaround but to dig deeper into its own demise instead.

Nothing seems to be free from corruption and projects irrespective of its sizes are tainted with scandals. The emergence of political elites amassing huge wealth is uncommon. Has corruption become a way of politicians’ life and nothing can be done about it?

The members of parliament from the opposition party, NGOs and political bloggers should be lauded for their courage to expose how corrupted the government has been.

We should not allow corruption to reign over the people but to uproot it collectively. If the government cannot cease to be corrupted then the people should make it a reality, it has to be home grown effort.

Think about the spending power a wage earner has at his disposal. What about those of the lower income group? I dread to think how they are going to go through daily with so little to spend, let alone to save for a rainy day.

It is a shame that Malaysia is synonymous to corruption because this is, we are what we eat.

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